ah stink..i thought the limit for colgate deal was 5, but alas its 3!:( oh well still great deals, and i should've paid with my gift card-:)
colgate maxfresh toothpaste- 2.50
colgate maxfresh toothpaste- 2.50
colgate maxfresh toothbrush- 2.50
colgate maxfresh toothbrush- 2.50
wrapping paper- not in picture:)= .75 was 2.99
wrapping paper- not in picture:) -.75 was 2.99
wrapping paper- .99 was 3.99
infusium shampoo- 1.87 was 7.49
infusium shampoo- 1.87 was 7.49
sally hansen product- 3.25 on clearance was 6.59
johnson and johnson buddy soap- 1.19
johnson and johnson buddy soap- 1.19
johnson and johnson buddy soap- 1.19
total: 23.05 + .72 tax= 23.77
-.75 off colgate toothpaste
-.75 off colgate toothpaste
-.75 off colgate toothpaste
-.75 off colgate toothpaste
-1.00 off johnson buddy soap
-1.00 off johnson buddy soap
-1.00 off johnson buddy soap
-3.00 off infusium shampoo...so yah i got two bottles for .74 total!
total after coupons:
-12.00 ecb's from this weeks earlier transactions:
total after coupons and ecbs- 2.77!!!!!!! oh and i got 2.00 back from the colgate deal:) so real total .77!
savings of 97%
For some reason I had it in my head that the Colgate TP Limit was 5 too! And when I got to the store and read the tag and it said 3 I could have sworn it once read 5! LOL
Great job! I keep forgetting to cut out my Infusium coupons and bring them with me to the store. Everyone keeps scoring such deals on this stuff.
I just found your blog - you did great on your deals!
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