September 28, 2008

walgreens how do i love thee let me count the ways!!

get the new easy saver catalog, there are some great coupons in it!

such as $1.50 off tylenol, which is on sale for 4.99

3 childrens tylenol- (i'm well stocked for the winter on medicine:)- $4.99 x 3 = $14.97
-$1.50 coupon from easy saver x 3 = -$4.50
new total: $10.47 + $.94= $11.41 that i put on my hsa card since it is medicine...
and i got $5 rapid rewards for buying 3 tylenol products
so i got 3 for $5.47 !! oh and the register spit out a $2 off a walgreens purchase!

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